SU24- Devrath Singh Rathore for Student Officer Postgraduate Education

By Devrath Singh Rathore

As I reflect on my journey as a graduate student at Queen's University Belfast, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunities and challenges that have shaped my experience. My name is Devrath Singh Rathore, and I am currently pursuing an MSc in Management at this esteemed institution. However, my involvement goes beyond academics—I have embraced various leadership roles that have allowed me to advocate for my peers and contribute to the vibrant campus community.

Upon my arrival, I was honoured to be elected as the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (AHSS) Faculty Representative for postgraduate taught students (October 2023). This role encompasses representing students from diverse disciplines, including the Business School, the School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics (HAPP), the School of Law, the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work (SSESW), and the School of AEL (Arts, English, and Languages). Additionally, I serve as a member of the Student Council and as the Course Representative for Management (MSc PGT), advocating for the needs and concerns of my peers at both the departmental and university levels.

Transitioning to a new country and academic environment presented its own set of challenges, but I embraced the opportunity to immerse myself fully in student life. Despite the initial complexity of understanding different accents and navigating unfamiliar systems, I quickly learned that active participation and a positive mindset are essential keys to success. Embracing the mantra of "showing up" to every occasion, I engaged in numerous extracurricular activities, recognizing that seizing opportunities is fundamental to personal and professional growth.

In addition to my dedication to student representation, during high school, I had the honour of representing my state in national tournaments in various sports such as athletics and basketball. This experience instilled in me a strong sense of dedication and commitment to excellence, qualities that I bring to all aspects of my academic and leadership endeavours.

In 2018, I encountered a significant obstacle when I suffered an injury while playing sports. This injury gradually impacted my ability to function in daily life, and by 2020, during the pandemic, it worsened, affecting not only my physical health but also my mental well-being. The left side of my body began to weaken, and the left side of my brain was affected, impairing my ability to perform simple tasks and understand complex concepts. Despite being skilled in logical reasoning and aptitude, I struggled with obsessive thoughts, which hindered my ability to read, write, and communicate effectively, even in my native language. However, through relentless efforts, including regular meditation, yoga, light exercise, and medication, I embarked on a journey of recovery.

During this challenging period, I realized the fragility of life and the importance of seizing every moment. Each moment became both my first and last, prompting me to believe that even the smallest efforts can make a difference. Whether it’s serving as a cog in the machinery or being part of the building process rather than merely consuming the final product, every contribution matters. Trying is enough, and it should be appreciated more often.

As I began to heal before coming to Belfast, I produced a full documentary on native warriors. This experience, undertaken independently, served as both inspiration and a testament to the idea that tasks bigger than oneself can bring lasting satisfaction.

Despite occasional neurological pain and migraines during my journey, especially when working or engaging in prolonged conversations, I've remained resilient. Through perseverance and self-care, I've seen significant improvement, and it's getting better.

This realization has further fuelled my determination to seek opportunities that align with a greater purpose. By running for the postgraduate education officer position, I aim to serve a goal larger than my own ego. The dynamic student community at Queen’s University Belfast presents an opportunity for me to make a meaningful impact and maximize my time as a student. I am committed to advocating for the needs of my peers and ensuring that every voice is heard and valued. As I continue this journey of growth and advocacy, I am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.

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